Cell: Idle Factory Incremental Wiki

The Space Academy is unlocked after purchasing The Zeus ship.

This menu is divided into two. One being the Academy Outpost, and the other Mission Control.

In the Academy Outpost at the top you can find a quick summary of your:

  1. Total amount of Personnel.
  2. Total amount of Projects Completed this run.
  3. Total amount of Missions Completed this run.
  4. Total Gear levels.

Below this UI you can find a progress bar that ticks up toward a new base expansion with every completed Project. There is a formula connected to your base expansion that grows with every expansion that is completed.

Construction Phases[]

Below you can find construction phases, their Project requirement and the Cells gained formula:

Outpost's Construction Phases
Construction Phase Projects Requirement for that phase Calls Gained Formula Bonuses
1 10 (ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted)
2 20 (ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted) ^ (CampaignsCompleted / 2)
3 30 ((ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted) ^ (CampaignsCompleted / 2)) * ManualGens
4 40 (((ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted) ^ (CampaignsCompleted / 2)) * ManualGens) ^ (1+ (PlayerLevel / 300))
5 50 ((((ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted) ^ (CampaignsCompleted / 2)) * ManualGens) ^ (1+ (PlayerLevel / 300))) * (LoopMods * 5)
6 60 (((((ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted) ^ (CampaignsCompleted / 2)) * ManualGens) ^ (1+ (PlayerLevel / 300))) * (LoopMods * 5))) ^ (1 + (ResearchLevels / 150))
7 70 ((((((ExpansionsAchieved * ProjectsCompleted) ^ (CampaignsCompleted / 2)) * ManualGens) ^ (1+ (PlayerLevel / 300))) * (LoopMods * 5))) ^ (1 + (ResearchLevels / 150))) * (ExpansionsAchieved * (ProjectsCompleted) / 10))

Right side sub menus[]

Once the tutorial is completed there are four buttons to the side that can be interacted with.

These are, from top to bottom:

  • Loot Reports

This is where once missions complete your loot can be collected.

  • Gear Sets

This is where you can craft and upgrade new gear once you have aqcuired enough Academy Points.

See the Gear Sets page for more information.

  • Construction Milestones

Completing Projects awards you with Blueprints that you are able to spend in this menu.

See the Construction Milestones page for more information.

  • Academy Badges

This is where Innovation Cores can be traded for Academy Badges, these are powerful gamechanging effects!

See the Academy Badges page for more information.

Bottom sub menus[]

Once the tutorial is completed there are three buttons on the bottom that can be interacted with.

These are, from left to right:

  • Personnel Folder

The Personnel Folder is where you print Personnel to send out on Missions.

There are four different types of Personnel, after you've printed 50 of the previous type of personnel and evolved them, the next one unlocks. There are multiple evolutions possible, each one will increase the Mission Power significantly of your Personnel. Once you reach the evolution threshold you can immediately evolve the Personnel without any additional cost. a type of personel can be evolve for the maximum of five times.

  1. Mining Pods (Base Mission Power of 1, Gain 0.5 Mission Power every time it's evolve)
  2. Fireteam Carriers (Base Mission Power of 3, Gain 1 Mission Power every time it's evolve)
  3. Titan Haulers (Base Mission Power of 8, Gain 2 Mission Power every time it's evolve)
  4. Combat Corvettes (Base Mission Power of 16, Gain 4 Mission Power every time it's evolve)
  • Inventory Folder

The Inventory Folder is where all the collected ores are stored. From here you can also access the Tonton Exchange and Chad to sell your Tokenium.

  • Projects Folder

Find more information on the Projects on this page.
