Ships are in essence the next layer of upgrades after generators. Each ship has their own mechanics but the things they share in common are:
- Rank - Amount of times you filled the bar
- Installs - Amount of points you spent in the upgrade menu of the ship
- Crew - Amount of crew member upgrades you have
- Evolution - Amount of times you reached the maximum crew and upgraded the ship
Note: The examples below are from way later on in the game but the concepts remain the same.
Rank is the simplest way of generating install points for your ship. Every ship has specific criteria for how to rank it up which is written inside of the bar. The image in the example is the first ship you unlock and the way to increase the rank of the ship is to manually purchase generators.
Installs are the amount of points you have allocated inside of the upgrade menu. You can see the amount of installs you have placed easily with the underlined text in the first image.
Also note that Rank doesn't have to equal to the amount of installs you can currently have, there are other ways of increasing the amount of points available, for example through MP upgrades.
Install Codes & List[]
Since there is no inherent way to organize the installs, the Discord community has created a generally-accepted terminology using codes and an ordered list.
The code is as follows:
shipInitials installNumber
- shipInitials is the first 3 letters of a ship's name (eg: ZAG for the Zagreus)
- installNumber is the number associated with the install (see image below).
Say you want to refer to the Auxesia's Precise Calculations install by it's code.
- The Auxesia's initials are AUX (first 3 letters).
- Precise Calculations is represented in the image above by the 3rd box.
Precise Calculations is therefore AUX 3.
Crew is the amount of people on your ship. The more people, the higher the multiplier on each install. Although it differs ship to ship, in essence each install is some variation of:
- (amount of crew) * (rank of install)
There is a limit to how much crew a ship can have before an "Evolution" (explained below). When you reach this limit, the only other option you have is to basically evolve your ship.
Evolution is the last part of any individual ship. Evolutions provide:
- Ability to go past the crew limit
- Powerful upgrade relative to the ship
When you reach the maximum allowed crew on any ship, you will not be able to purchase any more crew members, instead you will need to gather enough cells and "evolve" the ship.
- evolution doesn't reset on loop
Individual Ship Information[]
Each ship has their own buffs, some even have their own resources to generate buffs. Go to each individual ship for more information.