Below is a list of all pages, sorted by category.
Main categories 1 - 4 are based on the bottom tabs in-game and are sorted based on appearance (left to right).
Main categories 5+ follow no particular sorting order.
Nested pages are also categorized by their parent page.
Upgrade Console[]
Ouroboros Menu[]
- The Traversal Device
- Trait Spheres Collection
- Ouroboros Gems Collection
- Hunters Headquarters
- Multiverse Market
- Cells
- Mod Points
- Shards
- Research Points
- Academy Points
- Ores
- Innovation Cores
- Tokens
- Diamonds
- Arcade Points
- Level Points
- Ouroboros Orbs
- Compressed Antimatter Cores
- Obsidian
- Behlium
- Hellish Bio-Matter
- Farahyte Ore
- Galvarium
- Vectid Crystals